Technical Specs
Rialto Square Theatre
House Information
Theatre Type
- Proscenium
- Main Floor: 1,125 seats
- Upper Level: 784 seats
- Orchestra Pit: 43 seats
- Handicapped: 14 spaces
- Total Capacity: 1,966
House Attributes
- Flooring raked on gentle slope
- One suspended balcony
Telephone Numbers
- Administration Office: 815-726-7171
- Technical Director: 815-726-7171 ext 211
- Backstage Number: 815-726-7171.ext 219
- FAX Number: 815-726-0352
Theatre Location
- Front Entrance: 102 N. Chicago Street
- Backstage Entrance: 121 N. Scott St.
- Backstage Location: one block east of Chicago St., (between Van Buren & Clinton Streets)
House Opening Times
- Exterior Lobby Doors to Foyer: One Hour Before Performance
- Interior Lobby Doors to Seats: 30 Minutes Prior to Performance
House Union
- I.A.T.S.E. Local 124
Stage Information
- 52’ Wide X 23’6 High
- Stage Dimensions
- Right Wing: 9’-6”
- Left Wing: 9’-0”
- Back Wall to Plaster Line: 29’-6”
- Stage Height from Main Floor: 3’-6”
Stage Attributes
- Flat Deck
- Trapped
- Oak Flooring
- Black
Height to Grid
- 64’-0”
Loading Doors
- Stage Level
- Height: 8’-8”
- Width: 4’-7”
- Ground Level Load-in, Requirement: Ramps or Lift Gate
- Under Stage Through Green Room
- Upstage of Black is narrow but usable Apron
- 3’-0” downstage of plaster line
- curved
- access from house on SR and SL at proscenium
- Extension at Center: 12’-0” (curved)
- Width at Stage Edge: 34’-0”
- Capacity: 20 musicians with upright piano
- Motorized Lift Jack from stage level to 8’-0” 13’-0” below stage level
- Barton Grande Theatre Pipe Organ, separate motorized lift, permanently installed
Fly System
- Counterweight Line Sets: 37
- Carrying Our Goods: 18
- Free Lines: 19
- Batten Length: 54’-0”
- Electrical Winch Operation on 4 Electrical Battens
- Weight Capacity: 1100lb arbor capacity, and 2000 lbs on the electric winches
- Side Frame Electrics: 2, SR and SL, 3 pipes each
- Main Act Curtain: Manual; Guillotine
Soft Goods
- Black Velour Traveling Tormentors: 30’-0” X 12’-0”
- Black Velour Legs: 5 pair, flat 30’-0” X 13’-0”
- Black Velour Borders: 4 each, flat 10’-0” high X 54’-0” wide
Sky Blue Muslin Cyc
- 30’-0” high X 52’-0” wide
Black Velour Travelers
- 2 each, pleated 30’-0” high X 50’-0” wide
Gold Velour Traveler
- 1, pleated, 30’-0” high X 50’-0” wide
- 4’ X 8’ X 8”: 2
- 4’ X 8’ X 16”: 2
- 4’ X 8’ X 24”: 6
- 4’ X 8’ X 32”: 1
- 3’ X 8’ X 16”: 2
- 3’ x 8’ x 24” : 4
- black skirting available
- 30’-0” fully extended A-Frame: 1
- 10’-0” step ladder: 1
- 6’-0” step ladder: 1
- 4’-0” step ladder: 2
- 21’ Extension: 2
- 17’ Extension: 1
- 4’ – 8’ Little Giant: 1
- Genie single man lift, working height of 36’
- Barton Grande Theatre Pipe Organ: 1, excellent condition, original
- 9’ Baldwin Grand Piano: 1, excellent condition
- Electric keyboard in a 6’ white baby grand shell
- Iron: 2
- Ironing Board: 2
- Steamer: 1
- Podium: 2
- Backless Stools: 2 black, 4 blonde
- Manhasset Style Music Stands with Lights: 35
Artist Facilities

Band Room / Dressing Room
Production Office
- Located off stage right
- Sink, shower and lavatory
- Inside Phone Line: 815-726-7171 ext. 225
- Dedicated Line for direct phone/FAX/modem: 815-726-9943
Dressing Rooms
- 1 each Star’s Dressing Room with dressing/make-up area, sink, shower, lavatory, seating area, dining space, capacity for 2 people Stage Right 1 flight up
Stage R
Stage level Production Office/dressing rm 1-2 persons w/sink, shower, & toilet
3rd floor w/sink, shower, & toilet
R3A – 5 persons
R3B – 3 persons
R3C – 6 persons
4th floor w/sink, shower, & toilet
R4A – 6 persons
R4B – 5 persons
R4C – 6 persons
Stage Left
below stage Band room/Dressing room w/sinks, toilets – 28 persons
below stage Green Room/Dressing room w/sinks, toilets – 30 persons
2nd floor w/sink, shower, & toilet
L2A – 3 persons
L2B – 6 persons
3rd floor w/sink, shower, & toilet
L3A – 3 persons
L3B – 5 persons
4th floor w/sink, shower, & toilet
L4A – 3 persons
L4B – 6 persons
Green Room
- Meal Capacity: 30 at a seating
- Located under stage
- Access from orchestra pit, SR or SL
- 7 8’ tables
- 30 + chairs
- Cabinets and sink
- Refrigerator
- Microwave
- Dishwasher
- Lavatory
- Additional Costume Bars
- Used for dining, meetings, wardrobe, catering, storage, under stage crossover
Electrical Info
Company Switches Located SL, 15 feet off of stage
- Service: 400 amp, 3-phase and 100 amp, 3-phase
- Requirements: 30’-0” of feeder cable off SL; bare end connection or CAM-Lok
Isolated Service for Sound
- SR, 10 feet off of stage
- Service: 200 amp, 3-phase;
- Requirements: bare end or cam-lok
Lighting Controls System
ETC Express 48/96 Control Board
Dimmer Per Circuit System
- 2.4K dimmers: 480 each
House Lights
- Control Location at Light Booth in Rear of Balcony, Unobstructed View
- Independent Time-Fade System, -15 seconds.
Grounded Stage Pin Connectors 2P&G
Color Frame per Instrument
Lamps Primarily Roscolux Color
Rialto Standard Light Plot
Rialto Instrument Schedule
Rialto Lighting Patch Sheet
- Pattern Holders: 60 each
- 8’-0” PAR56 3-circuit, 3 lamps per circuit: 12 each
- Irises: 2 each
- Xenon Super-Troupers, 1600w: 2 each
- Xenon Super-Troupers, 2000w: 1 each [in house but a rental fee applies]
FOH Fixed Equipment
- 1st Cove: 24 ETC Source 4’s 14 degree
- 2nd Cove: 14 ETC Source 4’s 10 degree
- Box Booms: 6 X 9 Dual Lens, 1K: 1 each side, 4 SR and SL ETC Source, 4’s 19 degrees, 4 SR and SL ETC Source 4’s 26 degrees
Iron Inventory
- Side Light Booms: 14’-0”, 50 pound bases, 1-1/2” diameter pipe: 2 each
- Side Arms: 30 each
House Sound
Sound (Located in house balcony)
- Beringer 32X Mixer
- Sound Location in House Left Balcony
- BGW Amplifiers, Model 2500 & Model 750
- Ashley Crossover, Model 24DB XR1001
- Monitor Amp Channels, 2 each
- Renkus Heinz Speakers, SR and SL of Proscenium
IC16-8-RD Advanced Steered Beam Technology - JBL Speakers Models 2360, 2482, 2202, Center Cluster
- Yamaha Wedge Monitors, 2 each
- Community Wedge Monitors: 6 each
- Yamaha Portable Side Fills: 2 each
- JBL Portable Side Fills: 2 each
- Shure SM58, 7 each
- Shure SM57, 4 each
- Shure SM81, 2 each
- Wireless Shure SLX4 receiver, 7 each
- Wireless Shure SLX2/SM58 transmitter, 3 each
- Wireless Shure SLX1/WL93 bodypack transmitter, 5 each
- NADY uhf wireless handheld system, 1 each
- Samson VT3L VHF lavalier system, 1 each
- EV-RE-10, 6 each
- Crown PZM, 6 each
- Crown PCC, 3 each
Marantz CD Player
Gand Concert Sound
1107 Mark St,
Elk Grove Village IL 600071
630-509-2457 (phone)
Communication System
Clear-Com Intercom System
- Model CS200K
- Wired Headsets: 7 each
- Communications between SL, SR, Light Booth, Sound Board, Fly Rail, Dressings Rooms, FOH
- 4 wireless headsets
Show Monitors
- dressing rooms
- green room
- orchestra room
- backstage left stairwells
- production office
Counter-Weight Line Sets
- Eiki 4500 lumens digital projector- front and rear projection
- Phillips Blu-ray
- 9’ x 12’ screen – front and rear projection
- 52’ movie screen
Lighting see Lighting & Controls
For additional see Vendors
Litronicx Ltd.
1765 W. Cortland Court
Suite M
Addison, IL 60101-4237
630-620-7877 (FAX)
Gand Concert Sound
1107 Mark St,
Elk Grove Village IL 600071
630-509-2457 (phone)
630-509-2942 (FAX)
attention: Tim Swan
RME Audio Video, Inc.
2405 Essington Rd
Suite B #133
Joliet, IL 60435
815-671-4097 (office phone)
Bus Load-In Parking
The photos are a view looking North on Scott St from our fire escape. Scott Street is one way Northbound.
Semis & buses go past the theatre and around the next block [L on Cass, L on Chicago, L on Clinton, then R onto Scott going the wrong way for 1/2 block]
Then pull into the 1st drive to position vehicles with loading doors toward the North, as pictured below, for access into the Stage Door at the rear of the lefthand bus.
Then you may drive onto the gravel to align vehicles, up to 3 as shown. We generally ask the Joliet Police Dept to block off parking on our side [West side] of Scott Street with cones and a Bagged meter. This is for other audio or lighting suppliers and support vehicles.
Tech Questions
If you have any questions related to our technical information please contact us at:
Technical Director:
815-726-7171 (ext 211)
Backstage Number:
815-726-7171 (ext 219)